we'll as you and any one know's I LOVE FOOD......honey i mean it's just so good..lol sometime my whole mood would change just knowing i was about to eat lol
seriously this is a major problem read this article i found on food additions
Emotional eating is not always "just" emotional eating. Sometimes, it is a full-fledged addiction with obvious-and very serious-consequences. Acknowledging this addiction is the first step. Just ask yourself how many people you know who have endangered their health through eating! The fact is, once food is "installed" in an individual's mental computer as a way to deal with problems or stress, it can become so deeply embedded in his or her mind and so important that he or she would literally die to keep it.
It is hard to describe the intensity of this addiction because it is so commonplace and so easily disguised and blended into "just" eating. As one of my patients said so clearly, "Nothing is going to get between me and my eating. I am always ravenously hungry, and when the burrito stand is in view, I must eat."
No one can stop me.
I don't want to stop.
I can't stop.
I won't let anybody try to trick me into wanting to stop.
Stay away! This is sacred territory that I will defend with all of my strength.
These are the sorts of messages you receive when you just ask a person to consider their emotional eating patterns. This is what happens when you just suggest that maybe you are confusing emotional hunger with biological hunger. The resistance to dealing with this addiction at all is the strongest indicator of how much the addicted person is motivated to stay addicted. Yes, once you are addicted, you are also motivated to stay that way.
How Does One Become Addicted to Food?
The beginning of food addiction is a bit different for everyone because it can start at different ages. However, there is one universal theme. Somewhere along the lines you learned that eating can soothe the ordinary hurts in life. We all learn that, because it is true, has always been true an always will be true.
All addiction follows the same basic pattern. You are in a distressed state of mind, and the substance-whether it be alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, or a cupcake-offers you almost instant, albeit temporary, relief from your distress. If it works the first time, you do it again and again. When it becomes the mechanism of choice, that's when you become addicted. It is the short route to the resolution of personal unhappiness. But if you are addicted now, it means you became too dependent on this mechanism and you created a short circuit to feeling good that now works against you.
Food addiction is a short circuit in many ways. Literally, it is the fastest route to feeling better. But it is also a short circuit in another sense, the more you use this mechanism, the more you bypass some essential work of life and short circuit the new learning and new ways of managing your feelings that can make life more fulfilling and a lot easier. You are trading the short-term gain for a real long-term loss.
The more you use it as a short circuit, the more you avoid doing what is necessary to resolve the unhappiness in real life, in real time. The more you avoid, the less you learn about how to manage your mind and your life, or at least those critical parts of you that have not fully matured and have been brought under rational control. It's a vicious cycle. The more you avoid learning, the more you need the cure, which makes you avoid learning all the more, which...makes you eat!
Why Can't I Just Stop?
It is our contention that since this addiction is a learned pattern, you can unlearn it! It is not mysterious, even though it seems so because it is so powerful and so embedded in ordinary thinking patterns. That's the good news.
While it is a learned behavior, we are not suggesting that the unlearning process is just a matter of education. No, once food has become installed as a primary way to regulate moods and emotions, it almost becomes an essential part of the person's mind. That's the bad news.
In cases where emotional eating has become food addiction, food is no longer food. The taste is largely irrelevant. It's the mental effect that is being looked for in the meal, not the calories or the flavor. Some have described their relationship between themselves and food as that of jealous lovers who want to possess, horde, hide and clandestinely have one another for their own.
There is a great deal of truth in that description, but it doesn't quite get to the quality I hear in my patients. What I hear sounds more like the eating pattern has become a part of their mental selves the same way an arm is part of their bodily selves, and is defended similarly. You wouldn't let anybody convince you to cut off your arm. In the same way, the person addicted to food won't let anybody convince them to give up this mechanism of internal control.
The bottom line is that food addiction has the same imperative quality as addiction has in the heroin addict who has to have his "fix," or the smoker who must have one more drag, or the alcoholic who must have one more drink. Food addicts can't bear the thought of refusing themselves satisfaction through food.
Florence Williams, a mother, describes the incredible experience between mother and child during nursing, and reveals the primordial power of food addiction in this quote from a New York Times Magazine article on Sunday, January 9, 2005:
"...every time we nurse our babies, the love hormone oxytocin courses out of our pituitaries like a warm bath. Human milk is like ice cream, Valium and Ecstasy all wrapped up in two pretty packages. For a mother and child, nursing is perhaps the most intimate of acts. Evolutionary biologists call it matrotrophy; eating one's mother. My daughter is not only physically attached to me; she is taking from me all that I can give her. Each time I lift my shirt, she pants and flaps her arms and legs as if it were Christmas. Then she settles in, both of us wholly reassured that this is the best, safest and most satisfying food she could eat."
Although not all mothers nurse, this is still the prototypic experience of the kind of bliss that we seek to recreate, in one way or another, the rest of our lives-especially when turning to food for comfort. We seek the temporary pleasure and relief, the sense that for now at least everything seems all right, when moments before it seemed as if everything was all wrong. And when this natural desire becomes addiction, most people refuse to believe that they can continue to function if they give it up.
Roger Gould, M.D.
Psychiatrist & Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA
One of the world's leading authorities on emotional eating and adult development
Author & Creator of Shrink Yourself
Shrink Yourself is the Proven Online Program Designed to End Emotional Eating
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Roger_Gould,_M.D.
Roger Gould, M.D. - EzineArticles Expert Author
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2440599
You start with diet plan when you decide to lose weight and slim down. Before you start your journey you need to have a map that will take you to your destination which is you with few kilos lighter.
These are my tips for you and I hope with these tips I can help you put together a diet plan that will work for you.
1- You must know what you want to achieve and in how many days, week or months. Simply how many kilos you want to lose and in how many days, this will help keep you focus in what you want to achieve. Just deciding to lose weight and jumping into any program someone suggest to you might not help. Do not set high goals, it is possible to lose 10 kilos in 30 days but do you have the time to commit to the program. Be patient with yourself but don't be lazy.
2- Choose a diet plan that will suit and fit your lifestyle. If you choose a diet plan that requires cooking and food preparation this means more hard work from you, and this can be implemented only if you have plenty of time on your hand. If you don't have the time, this type of diet plan will stress you out and you will stop half way. Same with exercise, if you can walk for 10 minutes every day then stick to it, because 10 minutes in one year equals to 1800 hour of burning fat. Write down what you can do and what you can't.
3- Be realistic, accept failure but do not give up. Joggling between work and family is not easy task and when it comes to adding new task to your daily routine it won't be easy. There is always a way and you need to find your way. Involve your husband and friends if you can for great support.
4- Eat three meals a day always, without skipping breakfast. Make sure each meal will provide you with only 400 calorie, this mean you will still have allowance for light snacks. One of the reasons for skipping breakfast is eating late at night or eating too much at dinner.
5- Control your hunger with water, fruits, vegetable sticks and nuts instead of full meal. Never snack on processed snacks or French fries. Processed food will always make you eat more because of flavoring.
6- Take your dinner always two hours before going to bed. Soup with lots of vegetables and pulses especially parley is a good option. When you woke up the next day and you are hungry that means your dinner was not too much.
7- Focus on food that is rich in monounsaturated fats, they are not lower in calories but healthier and some expert say monounsaturated fats help with weight loss, specially with losing belly fat.
8- Motivate yourself & get family or friend support. Doing it alone might be hard and trying to bringing in a friend or family member will be a great help. If you a friend who is interested in healthy living and losing weight then form a team with her, if your husband is interested in sport then exercise with him.
9- Eat consistently instead of erratically and your metabolism rate will not slow down.
10- Remember it is all about balancing your diet. Your body needs carbohydrates, proteins and fat.
Don't make it boring. Once in a week eat what you like & forget about dieting and weight loss just enjoy it. You don't need to stop partying and having fun with your friend and family after all your goal should be enjoying life in healthy way.
You don't need to stop going out with your friend or colleague for lunch or dinner just make sure not to over eat and choose healthy meal.
Interested in retail business and e-commerce. My field of experience is business start up & product marketing. I'm also involved in helping women start their own online business. Currently promoting Weight Loss Dubai
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Jhon
These are my tips for you and I hope with these tips I can help you put together a diet plan that will work for you.
1- You must know what you want to achieve and in how many days, week or months. Simply how many kilos you want to lose and in how many days, this will help keep you focus in what you want to achieve. Just deciding to lose weight and jumping into any program someone suggest to you might not help. Do not set high goals, it is possible to lose 10 kilos in 30 days but do you have the time to commit to the program. Be patient with yourself but don't be lazy.
2- Choose a diet plan that will suit and fit your lifestyle. If you choose a diet plan that requires cooking and food preparation this means more hard work from you, and this can be implemented only if you have plenty of time on your hand. If you don't have the time, this type of diet plan will stress you out and you will stop half way. Same with exercise, if you can walk for 10 minutes every day then stick to it, because 10 minutes in one year equals to 1800 hour of burning fat. Write down what you can do and what you can't.
3- Be realistic, accept failure but do not give up. Joggling between work and family is not easy task and when it comes to adding new task to your daily routine it won't be easy. There is always a way and you need to find your way. Involve your husband and friends if you can for great support.
4- Eat three meals a day always, without skipping breakfast. Make sure each meal will provide you with only 400 calorie, this mean you will still have allowance for light snacks. One of the reasons for skipping breakfast is eating late at night or eating too much at dinner.
5- Control your hunger with water, fruits, vegetable sticks and nuts instead of full meal. Never snack on processed snacks or French fries. Processed food will always make you eat more because of flavoring.
6- Take your dinner always two hours before going to bed. Soup with lots of vegetables and pulses especially parley is a good option. When you woke up the next day and you are hungry that means your dinner was not too much.
7- Focus on food that is rich in monounsaturated fats, they are not lower in calories but healthier and some expert say monounsaturated fats help with weight loss, specially with losing belly fat.
8- Motivate yourself & get family or friend support. Doing it alone might be hard and trying to bringing in a friend or family member will be a great help. If you a friend who is interested in healthy living and losing weight then form a team with her, if your husband is interested in sport then exercise with him.
9- Eat consistently instead of erratically and your metabolism rate will not slow down.
10- Remember it is all about balancing your diet. Your body needs carbohydrates, proteins and fat.
Don't make it boring. Once in a week eat what you like & forget about dieting and weight loss just enjoy it. You don't need to stop partying and having fun with your friend and family after all your goal should be enjoying life in healthy way.
You don't need to stop going out with your friend or colleague for lunch or dinner just make sure not to over eat and choose healthy meal.
Interested in retail business and e-commerce. My field of experience is business start up & product marketing. I'm also involved in helping women start their own online business. Currently promoting Weight Loss Dubai
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Jhon
There are many misconceptions surrounding diet plans for weight loss, the most popular being that you overindulge in one particular food or starve yourself. It is this lack of knowledge that has created this misconception. Eating a well proportioned meal which contains some of the following boosting metabolism foods will help build muscle and lose weight naturally.
So, let's take a look at some of the super Metabolism Boosting Foods and Drinks contained in what is regarded as the best diet plan for weight loss:
Lentils - low fat proteins known to make you feel full this reducing your appetite.
Dairy Products - Milk, cheese and yogurt are excellent healthy fat burners and aid in loss of belly fat.
Apples - contain high levels of pectin and antioxidants which reduce fat and increase metabolism.
Mustard - not only is mustard fat free but it can boost your basal metabolic rate which means calories burn faster which contributes to weight loss. It has the added advantage to make your thirsty causing you to drink more water, which brings us to:
Water - plain water helps flush out toxins, excess salt and boost your metabolism. It also helps keep you full and can aid in suppressing the appetite.
Salmon & Tuna - contains leptin which is a hormone that aids in fat loss, boosting metabolism by to 400 calories a day and can even suppress the appetite. Make sure you eat fish at least three to four times a week to get the full benefits of this wonder natural fat burner.
Lean Beef and Chicken Breast (no skin) - lean meat is a particularly great food as it converts into bodily tissue (muscle), is only 4 calories per gram and up to a third of the protein that you eat is burn off in dietary induced thermogenesis before it has a chance to turn into fat.
Green tea - contains catechins, these are powerful antioxidants known to increase metabolism and are natural body detoxifiers.
Chillies - contain capsaicin which causes the body to burn extra calories for an amazing 20 minutes after eating the chillies.
Cayenne Pepper - another very powerful metabolism booster also known to lower high blood pressure.
Eggs - are very high in protein and can help weight loss as it contains vit. B12 which helps break down fat cells.
Do you want to find out the BEST DIET PLAN for rapid weight loss?
Then Visit ==> http://www.the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight.info/ and find out the SECRET to getting a lean and trim body without physical exercise, just using the very best metabolism natural boosters!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cristina_Stone
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3499229
understanding your weightloss facts
There are tips for maximizing your weight loss especially if you want to lose weight fast and efficiently. The secret is to work not only on changing your eating and exercise habits but also in changing your way of thinking about the work you are doing. This article gives you tips on how to get the most from your eating, exercise and thinking to maximize your weight loss.
1. Prime your body for weight loss. The problem with many diets is that they don't break the old inefficiencies set up in the body from years of eating abuse. If you have eaten a diet overridden by refined carbohydrates in the past then take a two week period to "eat clean". What this means is avoid processed, packaged or refined carbohydrates for 2 weeks. This makes your body shift away from the easy energy provided by these quick carbs and forces it to begin to burn body fat for energy.
2. Give your exercise a boost. This can be a sticking point for many people because they feel they lack the energy or time for exercise but here is the thing, your body desperately wants to move. Yes your body will feel sore for a few days but it will easily and quickly adapt and you will soon feel the positive effects and this better feeling body will provide its own form of motivation.
3. Mindset matters. If you think you can just eat differently and exercise differently and have long-term weight loss success then think again. To maximize your weight loss you must have your head in the right place and that place is focused on success.
Results do not come without challenges and you must be mentally prepared for such things as unexpected snacks in the staff room, a week where the scale doesn't drop and other unforeseen issues. Keep your mind locked on the reward that awaits you and don't let yourself get caught up in the day-to-day tasks that need to be done.
Use these tips for maximizing your weight loss and you will find that your diet, exercise and thoughts are all working together to create the ideal body you deserve.
Do you want to learn more about how to do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide. Download it free here: 7 Secrets Guide
Do you want to learn how to speed up your fat loss? Speed-Up Fat Loss
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Becky_Gillaspy
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